S1 E10: Finding Your Zen: The Power of the S Component in DISC

Are you looking to become a rock of stability and a master of patience in a chaotic world? In this episode, we're exploring the "Steadiness" component of DISC, one of the four personality traits that can help you build resilience, balance, and emotional intelligence.

Whether you're a natural caretaker or looking to cultivate a more grounded approach to life, understanding the "S" in DISC is key to finding inner peace and harmony. We'll dive into what makes a steady personality, how to recognize it in yourself and others, and how to use this knowledge to overcome challenges and cultivate strong relationships.

So, get ready to anchor yourself in the power of DISC's "S" component and find your inner calm. This episode is your guide to becoming a steady force in a fast-paced world.

Key points I'll be discussing in today's episode:

  • Why the S type are so loyal

  • The downfalls and dark side of a S type

  • The positive side of the S Type

  • How do you work with a S type?

  • What you can learn from a S type.

  • Why you don’t have to worry about these guys flying off the handle 

  • How to motivate an S Type

  • Why the hardest word in a green's vocabulary is “no”.

  • How do we work with the peacemakers?

Resource Links: 


Here are the links to the major listening platforms. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review! Happy listening!



people, energy, brilliant, team, green, centred, organisation, steady, push, reds, friends, overextend, bit, supportive, ss, incredibly, resenting, eye, easygoing, understand

You're listening to Knowing me, Knowing you, the podcast that explores the art and science of creating, developing and retaining brilliant teams. I'm your host, Emma Clayton. Join me weekly for practical advice, simple steps, and inspirational ideas as we discuss topics that make a difference to leaders and their teams. I'll be sharing all the tools and having conversations that help you to build and sustain by performing. Welcome to the Knowing me Knowing you podcast.


Emma Clayton  00:47

Hello, hello, how is everybody today? I hope you are all good. Today, we will look at the third of our disc Personality behaviours. And this is all about the supportive steady green energy S type.

Have you ever met somebody who, when walking in the room, warms it up, makes you smile, and you want to hug them? It's like they love everybody, and everybody loves them. Now, this is the person I really wish I could be; it's the one I have the least energy on. But I don't have the patience that this energy has this green, steady, supportive energy. These guys are reserved and calm, and very people-oriented. If you remember, they're at the bottom left of the wheel. So that means that they are people-centred and at a slower, more steady pace. Now my best friends, when I look at my favourite people in my life, who I would lay down for are all greens, which is very interesting because it's the opposite of my personality traits. These guys are incredibly supportive.

They are very similar to the I type, which is all about people, but the eye types are the guys that will stand on the stage in front of the room. The greens are the people that love being in the room, but they're just watching everyone else; they get their thrills and excitement and enjoyment of watching other people listening to other people; they are absolutely the people-centred of this whole wheel. Now, if we had to sum them up in one word, I think it would be, and I don't like this word vaguely, but it would be nice. They're just lovely. They are the epitome of nice, which is such a boring, bland word, but they are great people. You don't have to worry about these guys flying off the handle or saying something inappropriate or bitching, or you know, being unkind behind your back. You don't have to worry that they will say something that will get you or them into trouble. You can trust these people with everything that you have.

And haven't done this with any of the other colour preferences, the reds and the yellows. And I won't be doing it with the blues, either the DS that eyes and the C's, but with these S's, this green energy, if they were an animal, as a frame of reference, they would be like a golden retriever or a Labrador, because if you've ever been around one of these dogs. Anyone that knows me knows that I love dogs. They're just great, great loyal, Trustee steady, adoring companions. And they're the kind of dogs you have when you have children because the kids can pull on their ears and poke and prod them, and they never fight back. You know, they'll ride them like a donkey. But you never see that golden retriever Labrador turn or become vicious. They're just really happy for the love, attention, and praise they're getting. And this is a bit like those with that s green energy. They want to get along with everybody. They hate confrontation. And what's really interesting is that this is about 30 to 35% of our population. These guys are supportive, steady and stable. They love to be or have feelings of security.

So it's the s the security. It's really genuine that they love to help you out. They put you first, and they have this lovely, calm disposition where they ask submissively what they do. But they do it from a place of love and kindness. And, like I say, putting you first above yourself. And they are shy, don't blow their trumpet, and get really embarrassed when you blow their trumpet in front of people. But at the same time, they do love that praise, and they love the status quo. They're so dependable. They are so easygoing. And they are really trustworthy and efficient and practical. And whilst they are really conservative, they're also incredibly diplomatic. These people you want to get feedback from because you know they will deliver it in a really kind way that will help you. And they've got this real humorous way about them. Because as naughty as they might talk about something, they do it in a lovely, fun, kind way. But equally, they're not very good at saying no; they get themselves into trouble because they can have anyone talk them into doing anything. But they have this philosophy: we won't fix it if it isn't broken.

They're really sentimental, and they hate change. That's one of their development areas; they do not like change, they love routine, and they love doing the same thing day in and day out because that's where they get their comfort and safety. And normally, they will find something. And, you know, these guys have had hobbies for 25 years, they've had friendships for synthesis, you know, school days, these people just don't let go of anything. And they stick to what they know. And they know what they like; they'll order the same thing in the restaurant, order the same food, don't have a massive array of clothes, and have this steady repetition of clothes that they reinvent. Now, I put these guys on a pedestal head; there are some development areas as there are with all of these different energies. We've already said that the D can come across as really defiant and that I can be flighty and illogical. Well, sometimes the s the green energy can come across as a bit of a walkover. And I'm not saying that to hurt anybody's feelings that is an ass or has this green energy. But it's because the hardest word in our vocabulary is no, the reds; super easy to say no.

Don't think it's going to offend anybody. Because the fact of the fact that the Greens do not want to offend anybody. They don't like to say no; they want to say yes. Okay, how can I help? And they want everyone to get along with each other. So if you have a lot of this energy within you, you're probably sitting there thinking, Well, yeah, that is me. And actually, when I do say yes to something, I resent it. So how do I say no? Well, it's really easy. All you have to do is, say things like, I'm sorry, I have another commitment. Or you can say, I appreciate you asking me; thank you for coming to me. But I'm not able to do that. I do have something else I can do. And you know, that isn't a lie, but a supportive, steady path and might think, well, that's a lie.

And I don't want to lie because that's not a good thing to do. But I've never had anyone come back to me when I've said no and say, well, actually, I want you to break your commitment. And I want you to do what I want you to do. And that's the biggest fear for these energies. Most people respect that you've got other things you need to do, and I think it will save you a lot of heartache and resentment if you can really learn to say no. Now, the history makers of our time, Martin Luther King, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa, all have this steady, supportive energy. They were the peaceful history, peacemakers. And they have this philosophy and this attitude to life, and well, why can't we get on, and they've dedicated their whole life? Nelson Mandela, another one, they've dedicated their lives to peace and harmony.

Emma Clayton  09:36

So how do we work with them? And we have these people in our lives and our teams in our family; how do we work with them? And this is probably one of the things that I've learned over the years to nourish and care for and give time, and having a daughter like this and, like, say, my best friends like this, it's all about stepping into this appreciation. and then providing security and reassurance and assurance, telling them that you really appreciate them genuinely appreciating them don't, you know, obviously say if you don't, but you know, with a real warmth of I appreciate you, I'm glad that you're part of this team, you are a really valued member of this team or this organisation. Because then you're meeting their needs, you're meeting them in a place where they feel accepted, seen, and valued. And they don't want to be, you know, centre stage and the loudest voice in the room.

And just that, you know, side conversation, one-to-one eye contact, and dedicating your time to them are how you can honour their needs and work with them in that team. And I also think, as the leader of the team, is protecting them from taking on the burden of everybody else within the team because they do find it hard to say no, when, you know, people are saying we're stuck, or we need help, these guys will lean in no end. As I said, they are really relaxed. But as with all of the other different energies that I've talked about, there are some amazing things about that when they overextend it, they can come across to those without the same energy, as you know, various weaknesses if you like. So, whilst relaxed, they can come across as lacking initiative.

So if you've got someone in your team anything, I need some urgency from you, you can bet that they are agreed; even in the most stressful of times, they pride themselves on remaining calm, when sometimes you do need them to have a bit of urgency. So there is this balance of being relaxed and getting things done. So whilst they're incredibly reliable, actually overextended, they can then become quite dependent and sometimes codependent.

And whilst they're cooperative when they are out of control or overextending, others can use them. And again, if they're stable and steadfast, when you're overextending, you can sometimes become uncommunicative and shut down and stop engaging. And again, when they're really single-minded, with one priority, one focus, what can become in stressful times, or to the opposite people is that they are inflexible and don't want to bend because they don't like change. And they can get themselves in trouble when that change occurs to you quickly. So it's always worth really supporting these people through change, telling them changes are coming, supporting them through change, giving them guidance, be there for them. Give them your time, attention, and focus, and tell them they're doing great. And it does feel like sometimes they're needy. But believe me, if you can get them through that change, they will stick loyal and steadfast to you and your team and organisation. So yeah, they are very resistant to change.

They are really soft-hearted. But again, they can be easily manipulated; somebody can find it incredibly easy to make them feel guilty and put them on this guilt trip to do things they want. And they would rather go ahead and do it and end up resenting than say no, but what happens with these is when you push them too far, and they have incredible tolerance and patience. But if you push them too far, you lose them, they will not trust you, they will not help you again, and they will shut down. And I'm afraid as a friend, colleague, and co-worker, these are the people that will quietly quit your relationship with your organisation and team. Now, they are systematic and brilliant at getting the job done. But they're not multitaskers. They have to have one thing at a time because they're a bit slower, but they are gonna, you know, go into the detail and get this finished. So they're amiable and easygoing. But again, as I say, they can get resentful if pushed too far. These guys are the total fool, or they have the biggest heart. They are the best people, so you need to look after them. These guys will make amazing nurses, childcare workers, counsellors, customer service representatives, and funeral directors; someone's got to do that job, human resources. Pas, I have a PA who is green energy, and she's incredible.

And school teachers, you know, who doesn't want someone with this energy teaching their kids because they're not just teaching them the academics. They're teaching them all that amazing energy of kindness, steadiness, and serenity. So in terms of the tasks that you should be given these guys, this is where they want to restore peace. They want to stabilise things; they want a friendly environment. These are the guys that really hold on to culture doing the right thing. They're the ones that are the conscience of the team. And they absolutely love teamwork; they will be the ones that will consider the feelings of others. And when change happens, or decisions are made, they will consider how it affects the people, not necessarily the business.

And these guys will help you deliver brilliance for your customers; they will always be in that empathetic customer shoes, or team shoes and actually, do you know, what I would do is pair them up with an eye because they're both pupils centric. But because the eye is a lot faster paced, showy, and quite flighty, they are the ideas people; these guys will quickly find solutions to problems. But they'll move on. So when you pair them with an s energy, you will actually get the starting and the finishing because the Ss are not very good at starting. Whereas the eyes are brilliant at starting and not finishing. So what a team they become.

Obviously, in that team there, they're not very task-focused. So it might be worth also getting somebody with some governance around tasks, either the C or the D, to support them. But get that team together. And they will be incredible when it comes to pulling together teams, customers, or any people initiative. They are really compassionate decision-makers, really loyal friends, just brilliant, brilliant people. Now how not to be with them. And this is not necessarily how you treat them. But even in their company. Don't be insensitive, and don't hurt someone else's feelings. Don't be short, don't be hateful, don't be caught, and don't be rude. They won't say anything to you; they might give you a look. Or they might put their head down because it's a confrontation.

But they will write you off. And that's it, they'll finish it because they will judge you and see you, especially those with that really high red energy, as intense, harsh, tough, and difficult to be around. And I see this in many office environments; you got those real drivers who are pushing and moving things forward. But they're so task focused and moving so fast, it frightens and scares the green. And so they don't tend to engage the assets, then remove themselves. These guys will quietly quit when they've got somebody with that high D energy around them. So hopefully, this helps you if you're asked to understand yourself and where your blind spots might be. And you can learn to expand and learn to grow. And also, as somebody that isn't an S learning to understand the SS, how can you grow your personality? And how can you learn and lean into these different styles and meet people where they're at.

And, you know, I've been developing this over many years. And I see lots of people that, once they have this tool and start practising it, they get really, really good, they can identify people like an ass if they're the opposite, and lean in and become much more like that. And these people are, you know, they're everywhere, they're in your family, they're in your business, they're in your team, they're in your organisation, they are wherever you go. And when you understand them, just like any other disc energies, you can become more like them to build these harmonious relationships. So you know, look them in the eye, smile a lot. Let them know how much you appreciate them, take your time, don't rush them, give them choices, and give them a warning. This is how I've learned to be somebody with a high D and I energy and how I've learned to be a good parent to a daughter with an s energy.

Emma Clayton  19:13

So there we have it; we've looked at the three different energies so far, the dominance which is strong and powerful that is fun and exciting. And now that SS are gentle, kind and loving. In our next and final episode, we are going to be looking at the seas, the compliant blue energy, and we're going to be looking at how we can work better with them and understand them. And then we'll be able to put all of this into practice because it makes such a big difference in your life, in your promotions and relationships.

Everything gets better when we understand ourselves and how similar or how different we are to other people and the skills and strategies to get closer to those people. Are you no less like us? If you want to take your DISC personality assessment, head over to www.brilliantteams.org/store. And you can find the link to order that assessment. It takes 15 minutes, and you can download the report minutes after completing it. So, within half an hour, you will know exactly who you are, who you work best with, what your weaknesses are, what your strengths are, and how to work with those who are more different. So I will see you in the next episode.

And until then, stay brilliant.

You have been listening to knowing me knowing you. If you want to take your personality or team assessment, go to brilliant teams.org/storeand let's get you knowing you know them. Tell your friends about us and share the podcast with colleagues. But most importantly, come and listen to us again next week. See you soon.

Buy your DISC Assessment here.

Buy my “Leading Highly Engaged Remote Teams” course here


S1 E11: Unleashing Your Inner Perfectionist: The Power of the C Component in DISC


S1 E9: Mastering the Art of Charisma: Unleashing the Power of DISC's 'I' Component