S1 E9: Mastering the Art of Charisma: Unleashing the Power of DISC's 'I' Component

Get ready to turn up the volume and unleash your inner "I"!

In this episode, we're exploring the "Influence" component of DISC, one of the four personality traits that can help you connect with others, build strong relationships, and achieve your goals.

Whether you're a natural people person or looking to boost your social skills, understanding the "I" in DISC is key to success. We'll dive into what makes an influential personality, how to recognize it in yourself and others, and how to use this knowledge to improve your communication and networking skills.

Whether you're a natural extrovert or looking to break out of your shell, understanding the "I" in DISC is key to building lasting connections and achieving your goals. We'll explore what makes an influential personality, how to recognize it in yourself and others, and how to use this knowledge to unlock your true potential.

So, get ready to charm, persuade, and connect with the power of DISC's "I" component. This episode is your ticket to social success!

Key topics I cover in today's episode: 

  • The upside to being an I type

  • The dark side of the I type

  • What the I type love to do most in life

  • How can you best motivate an I type?

  • When do you clash most with an I type?

  • What does an I type need most fro you?

  • They’re infectious but can also be manipulative.

  • What role is an I type best performing?

Resource Links: 


Here are the links to the major listening platforms. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review! Happy listening!



people, brilliant, yellow, bit, energy, team, friends, loads, little bit, project, excitable, strengths, recognition, plan, knowing, inspiring, moment, talkative, impulsive, shiny

You're listening to Knowing me, Knowing you, the podcast that explores the art and science of creating, developing and retaining brilliant teams. I'm your host, Emma Clayton. Join me weekly for practical advice, simple steps, and inspirational ideas as we discuss topics that make a difference to leaders and their teams. I'll be sharing all the tools and having conversations that help you to build and sustain by performing. Welcome to the Knowing me Knowing you podcast.


Emma Clayton  00:47

Hello, okay, this is the sunshine energy. I say that because that is another part of the energy. And I'm dialling in my yellow energy today. So that I can bring you that sunshine and share with you the joys and the energy of the yellow I type. Now, I will share with you today all of the staff around this I type; we talked about the D type, the red energy.


And the last podcast today is all about those sunshine yellows. So one of the things, see I just did it as soon as I came on, one of the things that yellows are good at is giving you some information and then turning it back to themselves. And did you see how I did that all about me? I'm a Sunshine Yellow. So that shows I've got some yellow in me because that's the first thing I did.


And they always tend to turn things back in the direction that it means to; they want to share everything they've got about themselves with you. Now the primary need of this inspiring type is recognition. So if you give them a little bit of recognition, a little bit of a stroke, it doesn't need to be big; just see them, just hear them, just notice them.


And let them know that you're thinking about them or care about them because they are all about people. And they love the fun and the excitement. So let me give you some words. See if you notice yourself or somebody you know in these.

Say they are inspiring. They are really good influences that are impressive. This is the personality; it's also very interesting because they hold court, stand on the stage, and command attention. But they're also really impressionable. They love to be important because remember, they love that recognition. But they are also interchangeable. They're super, super flexible. They love change; they cannot sit still. They cannot status quo. They're always moving their rooms around or their furniture around, or they're changing something, or they're redecorating, or they're changing their car. But they are interested in people that incredibly imaginative. And they are, of course, very impulsive. Now, they tend to think after speaking or doing something, and they've jumped into the situation with all their feet. And that is where these guys and girls get into much trouble.

Because this is not to be negative because, as I say, I've got some of that energy in me. You know, we've got to recognise that sometimes they are so viscerally driven the gut feel it feels great that they don't go and get the detail that thing over, they jump in. And they can be illogical because we don't see what they're feeling. And they're sensing.

Now, that is the most complex trait for this particular personality type. If you've got a high level of yellow energy without any other combinations, you find it hard to think things through. Now, you're probably thinking, Well, why is that? Well, it's just because these people just live in the moment. They don't plan ahead. They don't use the diary; they get with what they want to do at the time because it just feels right now. And if it doesn't feel right now, they'll cancel, which can be flaky.


Emma Clayton  04:21

And fortunately, that's the only moment where they are, you know, they have this hard time where they can't think about two weeks ahead three weeks ahead six months ahead. And if they plan it, they're not thinking the details of it through. And I have a friend, and as I say, I've got yellow energy, but I haven't counted with lots of other energy. I love to plan.

 I have this friend where everything's last minute. I try and plan something. No, no, no. I don't know what I'm doing. Yeah. And this is just the weekend ahead, and then I'll get a text on a Saturday morning like, are you free? And sadly I'm not because I'm Mrs Pam Miss As Prime everything's in the diamond Mrs Plan, and they drive me potty. Because they're in the moment, they love life.

Absolutely. Life is amazing. Now normally, for those with high yellow energy, it's about 25 to 30% of that general population who've got this style. And you will see these people in various roles, entertainment, sales, and customer service, where they can interact with people. And you know, they could sell an anchor to a drowning man, you know, they are brilliant at selling the dream, the inspiration, you know, the art of the possible.

If you think about Boris Johnson, how did he get into power? I mean, there weren't many tangible solutions. He was given that people just loved the character he was portraying, you know, Jim Carrey, Alan Carr, even a dowel, they've got this something where it's inspirational and funny, and it's the comedians that are out there. You know, the people that come in, you feel that energy; they come in the room and light it up.

And that comes because of their basic need for recognition, approval, popularity, and belonging. And all you have to do is say, Hey, I like your hair today, or got some new shoes, and you've noticed them, and they love it, and you've won them over. And that's your new best friend because you gave them some recognition. Now, their strengths are so many, they're friendly, they're compassionate, they're carefree.

They're chatty; they're warm, they're inviting, you know, they are outgoing, they're enthusiastic. Everything can do everything solution, that warm, a personal positive, that is the show's star; they are all about that enjoyment of life. They like to make sure everyone else is getting along with each other. They host great parties. They are probably the person in the team leading the charge and ensuring everybody's there.

They're probably also the person, sadly, who is annoying everybody because they won't shut up. They don't let anybody else speak. They always have the answer. And whilst they want to make sure everybody gets along with each other, and that we're having fun, and they're organising all the socials, you know, that's how they want to live life, a party, they are the party, they carry the party. But actually, it can be bloody annoying for those people around them who want more detail, more steadiness, more direction, and less flightiness. And I laugh because this was me when I was, you know, starting my job. And I used to think Why is everybody so miserable and boring? And I just wanted to be out in the pub after work. And we're talking 20 years ago now. But this person doesn't want to go home or sit at home on their own loan. They want to be with their friends and out, and we're going to the cinema, can we do that? They're always wanting to be busy, busy, busy, busy. But for other people that don't want to be busy, busy, busy, it can be irritating. You know, these guys are persuasive. They're the ones that influence if you want to go and sell a plan to your leadership team or you want to go and sell to your clients like these are the guys to get in front of them because they're infectious, but actually out of control. Some of their weaknesses or overextension of their strengths can become manipulative. They're excitable and excited and very influencing and inspiring as a result. Still, sometimes it can lead to being a bit over-emotional bit flighty and all over bit illogical. And whilst they're amazing at being communicative, are talkative, you know, they could become a bit of gossip they can take over.

 I mean, I've got a group of friends. I've got lots and lots of yellow in them. I can never get a word in edgeways, I just give up. I sit back and listen. Whereas I've got other friends that, you know, I'm probably the most talkative. So it's finding where and understanding where you know where you're feeling today; if you're feeling a bit more introverted, you're not going to want to go and spend a whole evening with a load of yellows; you're going to want to spend it with your calm or friends, you've got a bit more blue or green. And it understands where we can get our needs met and some of the things that irritate others that it's fairly unintentional. under control, these guys are spontaneous. They were all about the farm living in the moment, but, you know, it can get annoying because they get themselves into trouble. They're impulsive. They're making mistakes all over because they haven't thought things through. They would do well to bring in someone opposite, like a blue, to think through the details.

When I have my yellow moments my impulsivity is. I have a brother. He was very blue energy. And I get him to think about all the things that could go wrong because it's so cautious. And that gives me a little bit of balance on my impossibilities. Again, yellows are outgoing, but again out of control, they can be unfocused.

And they need to dial it in a little bit. But they are brilliant in team sports; they are massive team players and big collaborators, but they need a lot of leadership because they can be directionless. They are brilliant starters; they are the innovators; they're the ideas, people, if you are kicking off a project, or you want a little dose of inspiration, or how do we do this, get these guys in a room, because they are brilliant at starting and innovating. But they are horrendous finishes, all about the pzazz, the shiny object syndrome.

But you know, when it wears off, they lose focus. And that imagination does not hold out for very long. So put them in a role where they can constantly be sparking new ideas and moving around from short-term project to short-term project, and then build a team around them that can deliver. You know, if they're reading the story, they're the hero of the story, they're the lead role, that's where you need to put them. And then you know, make sure that they don't lose direction.

Now, I'm not trying to say that, you know, this personality is, you know, wayward in any way this is when they're very high yellow energy and no other energies to balance that. But I think it's really good to understand yourself if this is you, or others around you, so that you can put strategies around them because they are brilliant people brilliant in that they shine out and brilliant that they're, you know, super shiny, innovative. You don't want to put these people in an admin role; they'll quit and leave.

But also, in this ever-changing workplace, I talk a lot about, you know, these guys are the ones that will probably come up with some of the innovation for how you can do things differently. Because they love change, they love different, you know, get them leading the change and helping other people to see the vision of the change, expose them to loads of activity, and also to create in that happy workforce, get them out when the chips feel a bit down, get them out there, you know, gym people along inspiring them, and give them the role where they can have the prestige or the floor or the stage where they can shine and be in their element and be seen and be recognised. Now,


Emma Clayton  12:46

I'm not saying that they're self-centred, but they will make it about themselves. So you've almost got to make it about them too. And they will always be about other people. But they do pat themselves before the other people. You know, they've got this strong sense of self and confidence, loads and loads of fans, they were brilliant friends, but sometimes, as I say, they do more talking than doing. And they might need a little bit of focus. So when you're leading them, give them a task on a Monday. Don't expect it to be done on Friday; you should check in on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. And a reminder that it's got to be in on Friday because if we don't, then have all the best intentions on that Monday, and then something else will come in and a nice little shiny new project or a little conversation or steer, and there'll be off down another rabbit hole. And then, oops, I'm out of time. But you know, these people are just adorable; they're likeable. They're excitable; they're enthusiastic. They're the kind of people you need in your team.

Nothing gets boring with them around. They've brought this lovely, brilliant energy to the team, but don't ignore them. Don't ridicule them. Don't make them look bad. Don't isolate them; never give them a boring, repetitive task. Don't give them restraints. They'll feel like they're in a straight jacket.

These are the Free Spirits in your business. But they, Yeah, they've got an attention span of a gnat. So how could you do better if you're an I? A shiny yellow, I, wild you know, do your best to put some strategies in to stay focused, to last a bit longer with your tasks, but you know, get the job done. And dial down the fun and get more serious with the people around you. And then bring the fun when you've delivered because that will win you many more friends long-term and credibility.

Learn that you've got to focus a little bit better to deliver and take your time to put things off, and set yourself short-term deadlines. We have a milestone so that you can keep yourself under that pressure that you like to have when you're right up to the last minute. Don't be scrambling to the end of the project. Because, from experience, the longer that you can give yourself to think about things, the better that project will be. And just be honest about who you are, you know, if you're not a finisher, let your team know so that the finishes in the team can pick it up because they would love to come in and finish that project.

So this is all part of this knowing me knowing you. If we put everybody into this, you know, the square pegs in the round holes, people are not going to be happy, they're not going to thrive. And when we know what our strengths are, and we know what the strengths of those around us are, everyone becomes happy in the job they're doing. And imagine a team full of yellows. What a great time we'd all had, but something would need to be done.

Nothing would get done. Imagine a team full of rads. Everybody would be just so competitive and vying for attention. Imagine a team full of blues; nothing would get done because everyone needs to work on the detail. And the greens, no conflict, no positive conflict because everybody wants to stay away, and nothing would change because they don't like change. So we need this blend and harmony, and when you know yourself and the people around you, you're more likely to build that brilliant team with all of that core blend of brilliance within it.

Now for more information, you can go to www.brilliant teams.org /store, you can take an assessment, and it will come back to you within minutes. It takes 15 minutes to complete and even less time to reply. Very detailed very comprehensive. Learn more about yourself. Learn more about how you work with others. And the next episode that we'll discuss is the study of green energy. Until then, stay brilliant, and I'll see you next time. You have been listening to knowing me knowing you. If you would like to take your personality or team assessment, go to brilliant teams.org forward slash store and let's get you knowing you knowing them. Tell your friends about us and share the podcast with colleagues. But most importantly, come and listen to us again next week. See you soon.

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S1 E10: Finding Your Zen: The Power of the S Component in DISC


S1 E9: Mastering the Art of Charisma: Unleashing the Power of DISC's 'I' Component