S1 E7: Unlocking Team Success: Exploring the Positive Impact of DISC Personality Assessment

Attention all team leaders and managers! Are you tired of dealing with communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, and conflicts within your team?

 Well, it's time to put an end to all that with the power of DISC personality assessment! In this podcast, we'll show you how understanding the different personality types can unlock the potential of your team and take your performance to new heights.

 Get ready to learn how to create a harmonious, high-performing team that achieves outstanding results.

 Don't miss out on this game-changing episode - tune in now and start your journey towards team success!I

Whether you're new to DISC or have some experience with it already, this episode is sure to be both informative and enlightening. So, tune in now to learn more about this powerful tool and how it can help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Key points I'll be discussing in today's episode:

  • Where do you lean towards?

  • Are you more outgoing or more reserved?

  • Draw a circle and quadrants to find out who you are. (visit https://brilliantteams.org)

  • The DISC model of human behaviour.

  • When we’re fixed in our behaviours, there’s an opportunity for us to grow and to learn.

Here are the links to the major listening platforms. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review! Happy listening!



people, outgoing, behaviour, energy, teams, quadrants, relationships, understand, task, fast pace, lead, workplace, slow, details, episodes, reserved, brilliant, preferences, dominant, listen

You're listening to knowing me, knowing you, the podcast that explores the art and science of creating, developing and retaining brilliant teams. I'm your host, Emma Clayton. Join me weekly for practical advice, simple steps, and inspirational ideas as we discuss topics that make a difference to leaders and their teams. I'll be sharing all the tools and having conversations that help you to build and sustain by performing. Welcome to the knowing me knowing you.

Emma Clayton  00:47

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of knowing me knowing you. I'm your host, Emma Clayton. It is so good to be back with you today. Because today's episode and the next five will discuss one of my favourite things. Now listen, it's no secret that the workplace is changing. And that teams are operating in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment. Meetings are getting shorter; we're operating remotely and hybrid for those returning to work. And that time to get to know each other and create meaningful conversations is becoming increasingly limited. 

And the leaders I work with and my experience is that those connections differ from where they were. And it's impacting the workplace dramatically. The workplace is changing, quiet, quitting the great resignation, this multi-generational workforce that you've heard me talk about, it just feels near impossible for us to keep our teams happy. 

And if you're in a team to be happy, I want everybody to strive towards a happy workplace. And for us to create that happy workplace. We need a deep-level understanding of not just each other but ourselves. How do we know and empathise with ourselves to show up as our best selves, find the environments where we thrive, and understand our strengths? 

And then, importantly, be able to apply that to the teams that we operate within the workplace that we are within the teams that we lead, and create that empathy and emotional culture where brilliant teams really thrive. I talk about this a lot because it's so important. I see this day in and day out where vibrant culture is missing. 

And even in the organisations where this robust culture operates, how we do things around here. The vibrant culture of how people are feeling is sometimes really adrift. So, for the next five episodes, that's exactly what we're going to do; I will share with you something that I have been learning, leading and training on for the last 25 years. It has helped me know and create brilliant workshop relationships and lead teams create teams from scratch. I've built teams from nothing up to, you know, 2550 and led global teams in my career. This stuff works. 

And more than anything, it is simple, it is practical, and it is effective. And one thing I know is that there are three types of people. And you will either be someone that loves to listen, you are auditory, you like to see things visually, or you are kinesthetic, and you like to touch and feel things and explore and practice. These five episodes will appeal to all of you because I will get you to visualise this tool; you can write it down. Or you can listen. And I'm going to teach you in a way that I love to teach this when I still need to get a whiteboard, a slide, or anything for people to touch and feel. I'm going to draw it out for you in your mind. I'm going to do it straightforwardly. Very clear, and I hope that you follow along. If you still need to, we will have beautifully drawn-out show notes with the tool, much better than I may even be able to articulate them to you. And as I've already said, this is one of the most potent pieces of information I've ever learned.

It has helped me, not just in the workplace. It has helped me in my family, my friendships and my relationships with difficult people that I come across, and you know, more and more potently, this has helped me be a better mum. This stuff will impact you profoundly. So let's get on with it, shall we? I want you to draw or picture a circle. And in that circle, I would like you to draw a line across the middle of it vertically. So from top to bottom, draw a line through that circle. The right half of that circle represents those people who would be more outgoing and extroverted. So if you're on the right side of that circle, you are much more outgoing, fast-paced, optimistic, energetic, involved, positive, enthusiastic, and just getting on with it. You'll get the picture to the left of that circle, then those people are more reserved, a bit slower-paced, and more cautious. They're a lot more concerned about things, and they like to take their time and ponder and pontificate. And they will ask questions like, Is this okay? Should we be doing this? Is this the right thing? There are real critical thinkers. Those on the left thing, those on the right do. They are much better at discernment. And they're very good at picking out the details of everything because they're slower. And they're different to those on the right, not good or bad. Those on the right, the extrovert ones, and the faster pace tend to like to lead the room. They're constantly achieving. They're juggling all the demands. They love the challenge, and they're keeping things going. Whereas those on the left, those reserve types, that slower, the calmer, and they look over at those people faster paced, think they'll have a hard time. 

So quick, slow down. But that's the motor of those on the right. That is how they do life, is how we all do life; you can be the left or right slow or fast. Now we do have all of that in us. We can be slower, sometimes faster, others, but it's more about where you lean towards? Are you more outgoing? Or do you tend to be more reserved? Are you calmer versus more excitable? Are you proactive instead of reactive? Now, once you've got that picture in your mind, you'll be able to think, I'm one or the other. If you need more clarification, just put it in the middle that makes a mark in the middle. 

And you can tell I'm more outgoing than reserved. That doesn't mean I'm any better than those who are slower. It doesn't mean I'm right; I'm good or bad. It's just who I am. It's the way I'm wired. And I always wanted to be that much calmer. Take your time to pass them. But I've realised in my maturity and middle age that that's not me. So I've leaned in to know that that is my strength, where I can channel that energy and power for the greater good, and what my role is in all the teams I'm a part of.

Now, I can be slow. I can be very introverted; after a hectic day, I want to go home and plug in. I get my energy from plugging in. But I also get a lot of energy from being around people. I need my space. But I really have learned that I like to talk my problems through. I'm energised when I'm with other people. And there are environmental issues that will affect our behaviour. When I'm stressed, I become introverted, but that's not really what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the best of situations. How do you get your energy? Where do you get it from? Do you know what is really what's in your heart? What would those around you say? Go and ask them? Is it more outgoing? Or I'm more reserved; I promise you that you will get a good perspective of yourself of not just understanding yourself knowing me, but actually other people knowing you. And that is really powerful because that is how we build these relationships. So going back to our circle, we have drawn the vertical line top to bottom on the right faster and on the left slower. And I want you to then leave to right or proper to left horizontally. I want you to draw another line so you'll quit four quadrants in this circle.

Now, the top of the line doesn't matter slow or fast, but the top of the line. They love the task and their high-tech form function. Follow-up plans they plan their work, work to the program, whether a pot or a project and love a process. They love a chain of command. It's just how it works. Those people said the top, they are thinking, and they are leading with their heads. Now those at the bottom, slow or fast, don't matter. Those at the bottom are more people-oriented. So they are much more high touch, intimate immersion in friendships and relationships and people. They're all about caring, sharing, relationships, togetherness, and belonging more emotionally. These guys will cry at the movie; they'll always be gatherings of people, n't matter if they sit at the back or front of the room. They like to be around people. And they have that sense of empathy. And they lead with their heart; they're into feelings. They don't want to hurt your feelings; they are into friendships. Are you more interested in getting the job done? Or are you more interested in getting things completed? And finished? is what gives you absolute satisfaction in life the results? Or is it about doing something where everybody feels happy? And it's more relational?

You will be all of these things. But it's what do you lead with? Where do you get the bars? Where do you get to know that perfect sense of purpose day? Is it getting things done? Or is it because you had a nice time with the people around you, giggled, and just had a nice relationship transaction throughout the day? Now, I want you to ask yourself, which way do you think you are? Because that is your compass. So again, go and ask those around you. Am I just getting stuff done? Or am I? The person that wants to just please everybody, you know, are you the person that goes in to solve the problem? Or at all costs?

Or are you the person that really wants to take care of the team? Are you the person that gets crushed because the dishwashers are not emptied? But are you the person who will do it to save and keep the peace? As I said, there is no right or wrong; they're just different. So the top part is tasks and thinking the bottom part is people and feeling. Now, this tool is called disk. And there are many variations of this tool. And we'll cover those in future episodes. But disk is my favourite tool. It's super simple and super easy to grasp. And it is how we understand ourselves better, our compass, and our behaviour based on our personal preferences.

And it's all about how we can understand ourselves and then spot similar or opposite behaviours in others and learn to adjust our style to get on better with others. So my desk is more about tasks. So the older I get, and the more established I become, the more I have become about people. I mean, everything I do is about happiness in the workplace. So it's all about people, vibrant culture, and people relationships. But I distinguish between the two because I love to work, I love to achieve I love a challenge. And whilst I want to make sure people feel loved and accepted, it's essential to me to get the task done to set the goals and achieve them to move the dial forward. I get such a buzz from that, and I will work and work and work to achieve that. But I want to ensure I don't leave bodies in the wake of everything.

So I lead with task energy, but I am really dialling up my pupil energy. I really want to make sure that everybody feels part of belonging. And that comes from having got it wrong over the years. I work quickly and with high productivity, but I also take time to relax and go slow to pontificate, ponder, and analyse God. I love to analyse and love the details, but I don't want to drown in the details. I have details to keep me safe. And so this will apply to you. There will be elements where you think oh, that's me. And oh, actually, that's also me. That's okay, but it's more about where you lead with your energy on a good day? Are you more outgoing? Are you more reserved, task-oriented, and people-oriented? So you'll have four quadrants?

Now what I want you to do is either if you're listening to this, you know, visualise it if you've got your pen and paper, then write this down because we'll start in the top right quadrant. I want you to put letters into each quadrant in a clockwise manner. So let's go fast with the top right there. Top right are those people that are task focused at a fast pace, and they are the letter D, D in that quadrant, d is the dominant and red energy; we talked about red energy associated with the DS. In the bottom right, those are the outgoing people-oriented, and they are I, for inspiring the sunshine yellows in the bottom left again in clockwise, then that is S for study, these are the people that are reserved, and people are interred. But they are also asked to study or be supportive, which is green energy. And then finally, see at the top is the top left, that is see for cautious, they are the blue energy. And as you take a step back, you'll see the desk in clockwise order. Now I will take you through the top line of each of those behaviours. So you can say, yeah, that's me, or that's really not me.

And then you can take a bit of a course. I'm just going to take you through each of those in turn. And in future episodes, we're going to really dive deeper into those energies so that you can really understand more about yourself, if you're that energy or others that might be showing up in your life, your team, your relationships, so that you can really understand them and meet them where they're at, understand how to work with them what they want, why some of those behaviours might be grating for you. We're going to dive a lot deeper into that as we go. But for this episode, just as an introduction, I will take you through on a whistlestop tour. So the DS D is for dominant, they are direct, they are demanding, they are decisive, they are determined, and they are doers. Remember, the days are dominant; they're outgoing and task-oriented. Just think of exclamation points; they'll probably put them all over their emails, the people I know with high red D energy exclamation marks. And those people don't use it or don't have that red energy or that high D energy.

They think they're rude as hell. But that's their symbol. It's their dominance. It's that direction. They're demanding, decisive, determined, strong, powerful, and get the job done way. Can you think of people that you know? Is that you? Or is that anyone else around you? And how do those people make you feel? I want you to log that. I, let's go on to the yellow sunshine energy. Now, these guys are inspiring influencers. They're impressionable, and they give the impression. They're interactive, and they're impressed that they are interested. Now their symbol, if they were to have one, is like a star, you know, they are the creative, the fluid, the flow, the centre stage, commanding the attention, the showbiz of these personalities. They want to ensure everyone has a great time and a wonderful and pleasing life. And their job and their role in life are to create that. It's to create those really bright, bold relationships and fun and excitement. Is that you? Or do you know someone else like that? And how does that make you feel? So the s, the green energy, these guys are stable and steady. They're sweet on occasion. And they love the status quo. They want everyone to get along. They do not like conflict and will avoid it at all costs. And they want to enjoy a peaceful environment. This is my daughter, my daughter. I think she will be a hippie when she's older. They do not like change. If it's not broken, do not fix it. You have to give these people a lot of notice for a change.

Is that you? Or do you know somebody like him? And then C is for cautious. So these guys are competent. They're conscientious. They're calculating in all the right ways, not in a manipulative way. They're contemplative. And they are careful, and they are reserved, they're task-oriented. And they want to get everything right now. What's really important is they don't want to be correct. They want to get things straight. And suppose you are around someone with this cautious blue energy. In that case, you might think that if you're not in that style of behaviour preference, they are really annoyingly detailed, slowing it down, especially if you're faster-paced energy. These guys don't want to be correct. They want to get it right. 

Now, if you're listening, these guys are probably thinking, Oh, I'm not quite sure which one I am yet. I want to ensure I listen and write to the end, getting all the details. Get it right, and make sure I have a very informed decision. Those people in the red, yellow, and DI energy will think, Yeah, I think I'm going with it. The blues that C's are precise; they want all the information before making a decision. So do you recognise yourself there? Or do you recognise somebody else that you love their attention to detail, or does it annoy you. Now, this stuff is potent. This is the desk model of human behaviour. And you can use this in every single walk of life, from when you

Next go to the supermarket, to when you're on public transport to the next conversation with your boss, or your customers or your team, you can spot these people, you're probably thinking, Oh, that sounds though that sounds. Still, as I've just very briefly articulated some of these preferences. So now you've got that basic understanding. And it's crucial to remember that most people have predictable patterns of behaviour, or specific behavioural styles note, I don't say personality. Its behaviour is very different. Again, we can break that down in future podcasts. But those are behaviours and their temperaments.

And whilst I've given you a basic understanding, we mustn't put people in a box. So you've just read your dominant, your fiery, your aggressive, you know, whatever it might be. And then they're in a box and can't get out. Everyone can flex and actually do what we first do there. Still, an iceberg might not always be accurate because it takes a little time to get this right, especially because environmental factors can move us through that wheel. So a green under stress could actually display red behaviour, and we tend to display the under opposite stress behaviour. We can go up and overextend and end up in the other quadrants. And remember that we have a blend of all of this when not just red, so I've got high red energy and a lot of yellows. And I've also got quite a lot of blue. And interestingly, everybody thinks I've got a lot of green energy, but I don't. I don't lead with a lot of green energy. And so it's vital that we really get precise with this. So think about who you are and the people around you. outgoing people are more decisive and interactive, and the reserve types are more steady and careful. Now, we must understand that when we're fixed in our behaviours, we can, you know, there's an opportunity for us to grow and learn. So the reserved types need to learn, maybe to have a little bit more dominance, a little bit more energy, a little bit more urgency, to have a little bit more of an outgoing temperament and to get out there in front of people. And those that are fast-paced and task-driven.

You know, they need to learn how to be more supportive and cautious or, you know, think about other people or slow down to think of all the details so that you don't jump in with this gut reaction not have, you know, this informed method of collecting your information. So it won't hurt you if you're outgoing and live on the right-hand side to be more supportive and cautious. And again, like I say, if you're on the left part to be a bit more dominant and inspiring, and those who are extroverts and take control, loosen up a little and exert more patience. And I think if we do that, we learn to flex. It's a little bit like elastic, you know, we start where we are, but if that elastic can flex and go into those other quadrants, we've got a greater chance of building much richer relationships and bonds.

And it's terrific to learn how to interact, share, and work better with each other. This is how we build brilliant teams. So as I say, all of you listening today have got those four traits to a lesser degree. And over the next four episodes, I will deep dive and help you understand your preferences and those around you much better. We're going to look at the pros and cons of each of them. We're going to look at when things go right. We're going to look at things when things go wrong. We're going to look at how you're perceived by others and the other preferences, and we're going to look at how you can best work with these different styles and energies. Now listen, if you're unsure still at the end of this, you can assess them; I have them on my brilliant teams.org website in the WWW dot brilliant teams.org forward slash store. And you can log on and order a 57-page detailed report and get instant results. And it goes right into all of the minutiae of detail.

I will teach you how to understand yourself and others and become the person you want to be. And you deserve to be. Because when we understand ourselves and those around us, we build closer, more meaningful relationships in our personal lives and, actually, in the teams we work in. So to create that happy workplace, we need to understand all of those around us and engage much better and understand those that annoy us, those that attract us, and why that might be. So we can put in coping strategies. And just a little more self-awareness and awareness of others is life-changing stuff. So I will see you in those episodes.

You can go to the website, www.brilliantteams.org/store, and order your personalised individual and very detailed report that outlines everything you need to know about yourself and how you lead. You get along with how to communicate best with you. It really is awesome. It is like picking it up and thinking, wow, this person knows me.

This report really gets me and takes 15 minutes. And as I said, we're with you within minutes of taking it. Head over there now. And I look forward to diving deeper into those energies over the next four episodes. Thank you so much for listening. Stay Brilliant. See you soon. You have been listening to knowing me knowing you. If you would like to take your personality or team assessment, go to brilliant teams.org forward slash store and let's get you knowing you knowing them. Tell your friends about us and share the podcast with colleagues. But most importantly, come and listen to us again next week. See you soon.

Buy your DISC Assessment here.

Buy my “Leading Highly Engaged Remote Teams” course here


S1 E8: Unleashing Your Inner Drive: Exploring the D Component of DISC


S1 E6: Finding Your Zone of Genius: Unleashing Your Full Potential