S1 E8: Unleashing Your Inner Drive: Exploring the D Component of DISC

Are you ready to unleash your inner "D" and become a powerhouse of productivity and achievement? In this episode, we're diving deep into the "Dominance" component of DISC, one of the four personality traits that can help you unlock your true potential.

Whether you're a born leader or just looking to take charge of your life, understanding the "D" in DISC is key to success. We'll explore what makes a dominant personality, how to recognise it in yourself and others, and how to use this knowledge to achieve your goals and build stronger relationships.

So, buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner drive and determination with the power of DISC's "D" component. This episode is not to be missed!


In today's episode, I'll be covering:

  • What are the two primary traits of the D type?

  • The role of the D type

  • How does a D type get things done?

  • The dark side of the D type

  • The D strengths

  • How the D can overextend their strengths

  • How best to work and live with a D type

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people, energy, bit, work, overextend, brilliant, achieve, understand, leaders, control, personality, focused, blind spot, thinking, leading, outgoing, read, knowing, assessment, results

You're listening to knowing me, knowing you, the podcast that explores the art and science of creating, developing and retaining brilliant teams. I'm your host, Emma Clayton. Join me weekly for practical advice, simple steps, and inspirational ideas as we discuss topics that make a difference to leaders and their teams. I'll be sharing all the tools and having conversations that help you to build and sustain by performing. Welcome to the knowing me knowing you.


Emma Clayton  00:47

Hello, and welcome back to this fascinating episode about that dominant D, red energy personality. If you would like to understand the basics of Disc, go to the episode before this, the introduction to Disc and knowing me knowing you.

 You will learn about how to understand this before we dive deeper into these personalities. As I say, today, we're going to focus on that D type, the dominant type of red energy that people talk about. And it helps you understand how these guys are wired and their needs. And you know, importantly, how to connect with them effectively. Now, these guides can be can come across as a little bit scary. But these are the tools I will give you; they're not scary. They're a pussycat in a tiger outer shell. So these are the tools I'm going to give you by the end of this, you'll be like, Yeah, I think I can go and work with that. Or you might be thinking; this is me. Great. It's the best place to start.

 So let's start. If you think about this D personality, remember the disc wheel, we go round the Wheel, we have the D at the top right, and they're outgoing and task-focused. We have the eyes in the bottom right; they're outgoing and people-focused. Lastly, we have the esses, who are a bit more reserved and people focused. And then, up at the top left, you've got the reserved and task-focused C's.

 As I say, go back and listen to the previous episode. But for today, the D personality or the dominant type is the people for that; you could probably write JDI instead of writing d in that quadrant. Just do it. These are the guys that want and girls that want you to get the job done.

 They constantly wonder, What is the matter with you all faffing around? Can you make this thing happen? So how do we describe that D person? Now, remember, they're outgoing and task-oriented.

 Those are their two primary traits. Now they'll have an exclusive blend of other energies attached to this. I know I'm a D, with red energy as my primary. But I've got loads of different colour energies; all blends d, and high yellow. medium blue, no, not green. And that differentiates me from another red who might have high blue and no yellow. So it's essential to understand that this isn't putting the D in the box. But you'll see these traits shine loudly through these people.

 So I'm going to give you some words, nod your head if this is you, or possibly write down some of the tips if it's not on, you know someone like this. So they're dominant. They're demanding their direct, really direct; sometimes they're determined and decisive. Now, these guys are doers. Not talkers. They're doers. They love to be in charge. They are the director. They're very dogmatic at times. They're also very diligent.

  But you know, another word that I like to describe the day, of course, I would say this because I am one is they're dynamic. These people don't just waffle on; they get it done. When you give them action, they're off and making things happen. Now, remember, we're talking about understanding people here. We're not labelling people, and we are not criticising; we're not categorising them. We're not putting them in a box.

 We understand how they're wired. Now, that D type is a powerful individual; the D type has that part of you. It will be in all of us to some degree, it might not be your dominant energy, but it's The part of us that gets things done. It's the part inside of you that will keep saying; it's the voice that will say to you do not quit, do not give up, do not ease up or back off, or shut up, or stop until you get the job done. So if you've ever thought that you have some red energy in you, like, say, might not be your leading energy.

 And that D type, if you've got quite a bit of D in you, is the energy that will tell you that nothing great in life was ever accomplished without working hard. Now my dad used to say that to me all the time; my dad was high read energy, he was a workaholic, and he was productive. He was achieving he was he lived his life or setting goals and helping others achieve theirs. And I think all of my siblings and I have taken that from him.

 And he instilled that you work hard and you get the results. Now, these people are grafters. And I see that throughout my family as well. You know, we get frustrated when others around us are not working like the machines we are. But it's essential that if you're a day and you think like that, that you know, the world doesn't live in red energy like the rest of us. And that's where it gets fascinating because when we only believe that people should be like us, we can create a bit of a dark side in a bad mood or on a bad day.

 And importantly, to those that are not like us, we can come across this overextended D red energy. And it doesn't feel great to the people around us doesn't always feel great for us, when we're, you know, behaving in this manner. Like bulldozers or tanks, we can be so intent on reaching the end goal that the DS forget that they take people out along the way. And they don't see the destruction that they cause. Because all that they've got their eye on is the end goal, they don't see that, you know, just ploughing on and not thinking about the people. And they're thinking just about the task.

 Other people around are not as task-focused a lot more people focused, slower looking thinking that the Ds are defiant, they're arrogant. They're real lions; they've got a bit of an attitude that I'm empathetic and sometimes angry. Now that is a bit of an Achilles heel. And it is a blind spot on that blind spot in all of us. Because our leading energy, if not blended with many other energies, can stick out like a sore thumb and be a blind spot for us because we think everybody lives in our little corner of the circle.

But these days are brilliant in many ways because they're the leaders who take charge, are fully accountable, and take all responsibility. They can forget that taking over doesn't help others to grow and learn. I have someone that I know very close who is a read, and they take control. And you know, even they pay for everything. They, you know, they want to take care of everybody so much in that red energy that they forget that contributing is it's something we all want to do. And it can take away other people's pleasure to contribute. So that's another side of the red where they think they're doing amazing things.

 But actually, other people are going, well, hang on. I'm I want to contribute. But these guys love talent. They love overachieving. They love solving problems, overcoming adversity in their DNA, and being in their element. So if you have a problem or a sticky situation, give it to a read, and share it with a read; they will come up with all the solutions and try and fix it for you. So it would help if you framed it so that you don't necessarily want them to fix it.

 But you're just looking for some ideas about how you can overcome some of these challenges. Now, research shows that only about 10% of the general population have got this kind of personality style in the leading element, not just parts of it but leading, and you know, you'll recognise the people around you because they do stick out like a sore thumb when they're in their zone. We see it in celebrities like Alan Sugar; Margaret Thatcher was like, There's Gordon Ramsay when it gets slightly heated. There are so many celebrities; I could spend loads of time in New York, you know, you'll start to spot them now.

 But they have a strong will, this power, and need to make things happen. And they don't like to be told what to do very much, and they don't like a failure, which, when you think about it, is not part of this 21st-century workplace that I talk to you about a lot because failure is all about learning. And the deals that have a positive side and a positive view of failure are the ones that will take make something even further of it; they don't mind failing themselves. And using that as a springboard into the next phase of learning and lessons and growth. So I think


Emma Clayton  10:24

it's vital to look at, you know, what it is as a strength and also how when you overextend yourself, you know, it can come across sometimes that the DS has got a bit of an attitude or overconfidence, but yet they make these incredible leaders. Their basic needs are choices and challenges, and control. And you have got to, you know, if you want to work with them and work with them well, you've got to be able to give them a say on things.

 Don't tell them, Don't make statements to them. Just ask them questions, don't take the control away, allow them choices, and give them the choices you want them to make, by all means. But give them a choice, get their final opinion, their final rubber stamp, the final approval, and go with solutions, but allow them to give you the rubber stamp. Because these guys, as I say, a strong-willed and determined and very independent, but you know what, they're optimistic, they're efficient, and they're productive and make really good leaders, because they also have that confidence, or they're driven by that need to prove and to show that confidence.

 Now, as I say, when you overdo something, and you push it, and you push your strengths a bit too far, then you know, the deer can come across as overbearing. And they don't mean to; they can come across as harsh because that's how people can read it. If it's not there. I know people who are incredibly harsh and mean nothing and are mortally wounded when they've upset people.

 But they direct them; they're just to the point. And they're good at giving feedback at the moment. And I think it's important if you have that D energy at a high level and the attitude of it's my way or the highway that can cause anxiety in the other people around you. So you might feel that you're being courageous, but to others, when you're overextending or people opposite to you cannot be reckless, you know, under control, You're quick to respond. But out of control, you can look rude. under control, you're goal-oriented, and out of control, you can be impatient. under control, you are completely all about the results. But out of control or to others, you can look pushy. And again, under control in your greatest energy, you are deliberate but out of control.

 And to team members, you can look dictatorial; you may look as if you've got self-confidence when you're keeping the energy levels out of control, and you can come across as conceded. And again, under control, you're very direct, but that can be offensive to others.

 And again, you know, you are self-reliant. But people can perceive that as too isolated, independent and arrogant. Now, yes, you're straightforward, cut to the chase, and want the bottom line. But as I've mentioned before, that can become abrasive, and you are competitive if you're a D, but competition, while it's great, can sometimes look ruthless, especially in the workplace. So again, understanding this can help you bring some balance so that all of your best traits and your D energy are shining when mitigating some of those weaknesses or over-extensions because the types, of course, I'm gonna say this are awesome.

  They make great builders, business owners, coaches, developers, directors, entrepreneurs, supervisors, leaders, law enforcement, lawyers; the list goes on. motivational speakers can sit here in this quadrant as well. They are brilliant at what they do when they rein in some harsher sides. Now, if you're a D in a team or life, then I've got no doubt that you'll be thinking,

 Oh, I like how much she understands me. She's probably one of the only few that don't get offended by me and, you know, understand and empathise as well. That's because I've got a High D energy in me. But I've worked hard over the years to consciously tone down my dark side de energy because, as I've said, I want to get the job done. But I don't want to take passengers with me. I've seen how that doesn't achieve results. So my desire to look after and care for people comes from having that greater achievement so that everybody can perform at their best. Yes, I care about people.


 But ultimately, I'm trying to channel to achieve results for my clients and my teams for businesses and individuals to be better people. So you can see how my D energy drives my mission and passion. You know, I love to be active and challenged and solve problems. But actually, I want to help others achieve their goals as well. And whilst I love competition and debate, I don't like half-finished Incomplete Tasks. And that's probably the affinity that I have with this D.

 And whilst I'm not typical of a day don't like to pass out a lot of compliments because they feel like if you brag too much or you give someone too much, then they'll quit on you, or they'll take advantage of you in some way. Now, I don't believe and, you know, sign up to that theory. But you know, I do love being in that leadership role and sharing my experience, lessons, and growth with others so that they can grow themselves. Now, dear friends, I want you to remember that you do not realise how strong you come across and how powerful you are. That intensity, that dynamic nature that is performance conscious, is a brilliant trait. We need more achievers in the world that we're living in now; in this very complicated, fast-paced, changing world, it's crucial that we also look back to the teams around us and the people around us. And we don't take prisoners because people can leave. We've talked about the multi-generations, you know, that workforce when needs of the workforce are changing.

 And if we lead with that high D, we are not going to have a successful, thriving workforce; we have to learn to dial it down and become more people focused because people will leave with their feet; the average duration of a job now is two years, used to be 40 years. And that D style worked in the 70s, 80s and possibly 90s. But it doesn't work anymore. So do friends; we've got to learn how to lead with that amazing positive d energy and dial down that dark side of the D energy.

 Now, if you are working with a D, this is how you can work with them. Before you go, be clear, be bright, get to the point, talk about results, and get the job done. Don't let them down. But set the vision; in their words, this is the result I want to achieve. I'm not quite sure how to achieve it. Can I commit, ask for your help, get to the point, get to the end goal and work backwards, give them the details as they ask for it? Don't drown them in details; you'll lose them.

 They way you to be quick and confident, productive to the point and raise your hand if you're not going to achieve. They don't mind you're not achieving their mind; you're not telling them you're not going to achieve. So there are all the ways that you can connect with them. Now, if you don't have this D style, my word of encouragement to you is you can develop it.

 And if you want to go and take your assessment and understand more about yourself and how others perceive you or learn to work with you, or how you personally, then engage with all the different energies around you predominantly for this podcast the day in the lead energy, then all you need to do is go to www dot brilliant teams.org forward slash store.

 And you can take that assessment in 15 minutes and get a comprehensive, detailed, individualised, bespoke report. There are no cookie cutters in this assessment. So, my friends, I hope that that has been enlightening.

 I will see you in the next episode, where we will talk about this Sunshine Yellow eye. For now, Stay Brilliant, and I will see you next time. You have been listening to knowing me knowing you. If you want to take your personality or team assessment, go to brilliant teams.org forward slash store and let's get you knowing you know them.

 Tell your friends about us and share the podcast with colleagues. But most importantly, come and listen to us again next week. See you soon.

Buy your DISC Assessment here.

Buy my “Leading Highly Engaged Remote Teams” course here


S1 E9: Mastering the Art of Charisma: Unleashing the Power of DISC's 'I' Component


S1 E7: Unlocking Team Success: Exploring the Positive Impact of DISC Personality Assessment